Growing up there were always alot of nic nacs in our home, this has carried over into my own home. I still cherish many of my kitchy childhood porcelain figures, though many are broken. This series represents desires for lost childhood, and depicts the injuries of porcelain comrades . Acrylic and woodstain
This deer is from my grandparents house, my estranged cat Windekinde broke its neck
This is drimble the hedgehog, I bought him already broken cause i felt bad for the little guy

This one is also from my grandparents' house and suffered from decapitation... I have named it ISADORA after isadora duncan who died when her billowing scarf got caught in her car's back tire and snapped her neck

This guy i bought with a busted ear to keep the alien deer company
This poor little guy has his tail busted

A squirrel's worst nightmare, losing it's tail.
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